I love frogs so fucking much.
Tiny boy

Update Log:

Music at the bottom of the page.
  • 15/8/24: I wrote A LOT for the Pokémon page. Like, excessively so. At first, I wanted to have the important information for my imaginary fangame lie at the Pokémon's section front page, with the less essential stuff like the new Pokémon be in sub links at the bottom of the page. The, I realized, I write too much (if you couldn't tell already from this info page). That's why I decided that the Pokémon page would be a sort of portal that leads into multiple articles, arranged like chapters in a book. I also made it so that the articles would each have a different background. I thought that would reduce boredom.
  • 9/8/24: Started working on the Pokémon page.
  • 5/8/24: There was a bug on this page wherein the text couldn't be selected and the links in navigation didn't work. My brother's a professional programmer so I just asked him to fix it for me lol. So far he's helped me 5 seperate times for this project. I don't like needing to be helped, but often times, the things he helps me with end up being things I couldn't have figured out on my own. Like, what the heck is "z-index"?!!
  • 3/8/24: Made THIS info page from scratch! A lot whole lot of sites have about pages, but I don't like introducing myself, so I opted for an info page with n update log and other information I'd like to add later on.
  • 2/8/24: Made the site mobile-friendly, barely. It's very clunky but at least it works! Polished some stuff and went to sleep...
  • 1/8/24: This is the day where most of the aesthetic groundwork was laid. I polished the basic CSS file I had practically plagerized from James and even, in the throse of my ambitions, I made the (objectively stupid) decision to make another site theme. Because I didn't know any Javascript, that meant I had to make a whole other HTML for every page of the site. Thankfully, there weren't many to beggin with, only two, but stil! This is why the info page only has one theme. Also, I wrote my first useless block of text from the "Thing" section.
  • 31/7/24: The day I created this website! The very, very bare bones of this site were put in place, by literally following James Wright's three HTML and CSS tutorials. I have 0 coding/programming experience. I'm figuring it out as I go. Still, at the end of that day, the site looked NOTHING like what it does now. I'm proud of the progress I've made since then. You can still find the vestiges of this site's begginings in the "Page Not Found" page.